Net Promoter Score (NPS) is giving us important information about how our customers are feeling by measuring the loyalty of our customers.

In our recent NPS survey, we got again a great score of 57.

Our Tosiboxians around the globe are happy and pleased that our customers are noticing our efforts in further developing the TOSIBOX® solution that is automated and easy to use. 

Over 50% of our customers gave us also open comments, which amazed us and gives us very valuable information. We thank you for that.

Here are just a few of the comments:

  • "Easy to work with and allows for quick deployment."
  • "Great products, high security, easy to use."
  • "The combination of simpler remote access and increased cybersecurity."
  • "Super easy to use, and secure."
  • "Great product and great service. Keep it up."

And yes, we promise to keep it up! We are highly committed to developing and delivering quality solutions that exceed customer expectations. Stay tuned!
